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Flutter Better Than Native Apps in Many Ways

 Flutter is an open-source framework, where you can build mobile,  desktop, and web apps using a single code base.

But how can it better than native apps? 

Increase Productivity:

 In the android studio, when we write code we have to wait for 10 15 seconds depending on your system to show the impact of our result. But in flutter, you have only do ctrl + S, and result in less than a second appear.  It increases the productivity of the developer. It takes less time than the android studio.


Flutter is very good for designing apps. Flutter gives you full control for customization of the app you can do whatever you want by writing customize code, it appears a headache for many people who hate to write the code.  But as a developer write a code, is its best asset.

Time and Cost Efficient:

 You can build using one codebase. It saves your time and cost. If you have a low-end laptop or pc you can also use it in those machines.

Flutter is the best option for the future because google puts much effort into it. They convert their many apps in flutter.
Flutter's future looks good, because when a company like Google supports.


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